Legal Photocopy Service and 2013 Hipaa Law Confluence:
Legal Photocopy Service industry provides a vital part in the 2013 Hipaa Law implementation as it became apparent that this was going to change the way Doctors, HealthCare Facilities and the Legal Industry produce, store and request medical records. Younger Doctors’ in private practice approaching it for the most part as a cost of doing business, Doctors’ who have been in practice about twenty years were ambivalent unsure as to how they want to approach it so some joined HMO’s like Kaiser or Sutter while Doctors close to retirement for the most part either sped up their retirement or just didn’t implement it.
For MedRec the marketing strategy became how we can reach Doctors and Medical Groups via tradition ways and different social platforms that were willing to offset some of the cost going electronic by partnering with someone in the Legal Photocopy industry like MedRec and also in doing so becoming their custodian of their medical records. For MedRec to achieve this, we first had to determine what social platforms are they most likely to be found and when are they most active present. Our initial conclusion determined that Linkedin and Facebook were the most used platforms, and this could be attributed to the sensitive nature of what they do so they mainly used the platform as faces of their practice.
Legal photocopy for attorneys is also another market for Photocopy service and like Doctors and Medical Groups, they also will be affected by the new Hipaa Law so reaching them and sharing knowledge with them was also important and here again their preferable social media platforms were Linkedin and Facebook with a handful that blogs periodically.
MedRec overall social media strategy is to inform these two markets of our knowledge of the changes in the Legal Photocopy Industry and by doing so build brand awareness as we believe if we build brand awareness that will in turn drive traffic to our website. The ultimate goal here is sales but not just sales but repeat sales and we believe if we build brand awareness and brand recognition by blogging and twitting about industry news that will be some form brand recognition which is part of our initial overall social media strategy.